The Holy Loneliness Collective (english)
The Holy Loneliness Collective (english) Podcast


Okt 28, 2022

mɐʀiupol is here! You can now listen to it wherever music is available:

Feel free to let us know what you think. There's nothing we like more than reading your feedback.

mɐʀiupol is a song for peace. There are already a lot of those and until recently I wouldn't have expected that we, of all people, would add another one. But, sadly, the message just doesn't get obsolete. Mariupol is just one example. We could have written about Marib or Mek'ele just as well. And in Western Europe the danger of war is on the rise again as well. We still tell ourselves that the old times are over, when European nations fought each other with inhuman cruelty. But in Italy, France, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden and also in Germany - everywhere nationalistic forces are getting stronger again. And that's how it always starts.

How is it possible that the (arguably) most intelligent species on this planet is not able to learn from its mistakes? No one wants to see their loved ones wounded, mutilated, raped, traumatized or killed. No one wants to see their hometown in ruins. So why do we keep going after each other, even though we know exactly what it leads to? That in the end there is no winner anyway .

I think it would be too easy to put the blame solely on some mad despots. (Although, of course, the ultimate responsibility for any war lies with the one who ordered it). It always begins when someone sees a nation as more than a piece of land and the people who inhabit it. When we act as if the country you live in is something like a separate entity that has its own pride and claims. Only then does it make any sense to move borders by force. And this poisoned thought is still widespread in the so-called Western societies. We are all prone to it. And that's why we have to keep reminding each other that we already know where this is going.

Home is a beautiful thing. The people you love. A place where you feel safe. A landscape that is familiar and close to you. All of that. But not more. Let's not forget that. That's what this song is for.

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The Holy Loneliness Collective (english)
The Holy Loneliness Collective (english) Podcast
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