Our peace playlist is ready. You can find the link in our bio. Now someone just has to play it for Vladimir Putin. Seriously, it's beyond my imagination that anyone could listen to this playlist and then cheerfully continue to send their soldiers into battle. No one can be that heart-dead, can they?
But I can also recommend the playlist to all non-dictators out there. Besides the important message it also features really great artists and beautiful songs. I think everyone can discover something there. And if you have further contributions, please contact us. The playlist can grow even more.
There is also news beyond music. I finally know what's behind Till's mysterious behavior. Leo told me. Over the last weeks I tried again and again to get something out of her. I don't know why she decided to let me in on it now. Anyway, last night she suddenly appeared at my door. I had already been asleep and it took me a little while to get it together. Didn't even understand what it was about at first. But the story she told me brought me back to reality pretty quickly.
I had to promise Leo not to tell anyone else. That's why I can't write more about it. But maybe you have already figured out most of it anyway. Now that I know everything, it seems so clear to me that I wonder why I didn't get it long ago. If you have a clue, feel free to post it in the comments. I can't say anything about it but maybe you can read something from my reaction. ;)