Our next song is as good as finished. In the last few days Hans, Jin and I have been putting the final touches on it. Now it still has to be mastered. We don't do that ourselves - not even Hans can do it. After that, I guess it can be released in two or three weeks.
Fortunately, it consists almost entirely of piano and my vocals so the three of us were able to finish it without any problems. Till is back again, but he is only a shadow of his former self. Of course he didn't find Leo. I do believe that the worry about her is getting to him. But there is something else. He seems exhausted but restless, pale in the face and with deep circles under his eyes. Spends most of his time in front of the fireplace staring into the thin air. He doesn't even like cooking. Yesterday, Jin suggested in his presence that it would be perfectly legit to send a contract killer after Putin, and he said nothing about it. Nothing at all! I' ve never seen Till like that before. But when we ask him about it, he reacts only evasively. From day to day it seems to get worse. I only hope it is not an after-effect of his mushroom poisoning. And I wish Leo would finally come back. The uncertainty is hard on all of us.