We have news: On Friday, October 28th, we will be releasing another song into the world. It's called mɐʀiupol. If you've been following our story for a while, you already know the piano riff it's based on. When Jin and I wrote the song, it was summer and we couldn't wrap our heads around the fact that just a few hundred kilometers away, an entire city was being bombed to rubble. That under the same sky and at the same moment such an unimaginable monstrosity can happen. Countless human lives extinguished for nothing but vanity.
The feeling of powerlessness drove our fingernails into the palms of our hands and this song is certainly also a form of self-therapy. To remain completely inactive is unbearable. And if it's only one thing we can do - write a song about it. In the end, it won't save a single life. But it shows that we care. That we won't get used to it. And continue to fight every day within our means for a world where such things don't happen anymore.