so it won't be easy for sure but at least we have an idea now how we want to get our 7min song out to the people | might sound unrealistic but stay with me >
of course ava is right | the song isn't the kind that sticks with you after a few secs |you have to listen for a while | best to the whole thing from beginning to end | nobody does that on the internet | that's why we thought we'd just invite you to our house and play you the song here | a bit like a listening party | then you can see our house and our garden and you can chat with us a little | what do you think? >
have to admit that i panicked first when ava suggested it | you know i like to keep to myself | but everyone was in favor of it and said i'll survive it and what can i say? | guess i will survive after all | just don't be surprised if i'm not very talkative | but maybe no one will come anyway | could also happen right? >
so what do you say? | would you come?