Summer is here. The air lies thick and viscous between the trees and flies mate in swarms on our kitchen table. But it's not just the temperatures that have us sweating at the moment. Ava is visiting and has put us in a state of bustling activity. She brought many questions for us - questions we wouldn't dream of asking ourselves. How would we describe our music? If it were a color, what would it be? And which smell, which car, which brand of clothes, which hairstyle, which alcoholic drink and which Pokémon? And: where do we see ourselves in three months, where in three years? What is our unique selling point? What do we have that the world hasn't seen yet, but desperately needs?
I don't find it easy to find convincing answers to these questions. After all, we didn't form this band because the world urgently longs for our music. Rather, to be honest, just for fun. So it's really more for us than for any audience out there. Ava almost makes it sound like we have to justify our existence. But in essence, of course, she's right. If we want our music to be heard, we have to think about how we want to present it. We need a 'look and feel,' as she calls it. A lettering, photos, a press release, a marketing strategy....
So when Ava departs tomorrow, she's going to leave us with a lot of homework. Who would have thought that becoming a pop star could be so exhausting