There is a strange numbing feeling in the air, as if everything is disintegrating. Leo has once again disappeared without a trace. Nor have I seen Hans for days. Only at night loud booming sounds are coming from his room. Ava finished her internship and left for Hamburg yesterday. Even the house seems to be crumbling under our fingers. The cracks in the walls are spreading and hordes of ants are busily carrying away the tiny fragments.
Jin and I put together a playlist on the topic of 'languages'. Google says there are more than 7000 languages on our planet. And if you include dialects, even much more. Isn't it strange then, that in pop music we speak almost exclusively English? Now and then Spanish or French, but that's it more or less. Who knows songs in Norwegian, Japanese or isiZulu? Does it really matter if you understand the lyrics? The voice is such a versatile instrument and in each language it is woven from a different fabric of syllables. If you like you can get an impression of it in our playlist. Also a few of our songs have found their way into it.
What do you think, did we forget any songs? Admittedly, the selection is a bit north-heavy. That's probably due to our own listening habits. There are certainly many beautiful songs from the global south that we just don't know. Maybe you guys have a recommendation or two?