In some ways, Jin is very different from me. You can always tell from her face what she is feeling. When she's angry or indignant, her eyes narrow and her nasal wings quiver. When she feels sorry, her eyebrows pull together and her lips push slightly to the side. When something good has happened, she jumps for joy, grabs me by the shoulders, shakes me, and says something like, 'C'mon, be happy now!' And I tell her that I'm happy, but then she just laughs and I know she doesn't believe me.
I love people who are like that. Sometimes I practice facial expressions in front of the mirror. After all, I know the emotions are there, deep inside of me. Only the connection to all the tiny muscles that might carry them to the outside seems to be disturbed.
On Friday our first song will be released and it deals exactly with this feeling - being locked up in a body that is not able to transport its inner life to the outside. Maybe you know someone like that and you don't even realize it. Maybe you think she or he is just an unemotional block of ice. Then it might be worth taking a closer look. Behind the unmoving surface there could be something beautiful.