The fact that I, of all people, was chosen to run our social media channels strikes me as a somewhat unfortunate choice. Normally, I'm having trouble reacting appropriately when someone asks me for directions. And now I'm supposed to provide you with the latest gossip from our still very fresh band life. And be entertaining... that´s not exactly what I´m good at.
If it was up to me I´d prefer to simply post music. In my naive world - if the music is good enough - people would want to listen to it. But Ava says it doesn't work that way. And when it comes to stuff like that, Ava is usually right.
Apart from that, there isn´t any music to post yet. We've been tinkering in our rehearsal room for a few weeks now. It started very gradually. At first it was just Jin and me, and then little by little the others joined in. So much beautiful material has already been created, but nothing is ready to show you yet. So for the time being I will try to give you some impressions with bare words. And with a few drawings.
To start with, here's a sketch of Jin and Leo at the piano. More soon.