Acid Test
So, what do you think? Doesn't look too bad, huh? Many thanks to Nadu, who sent us the draft via Instagram. I think Till is also quite happy. And yesterday the first acid test: We took the S-Bahn into the city to buy jack cables - and indeed: There were a few weird looks (it's an unusual tattoo after all, especially in the face) but no assaults, no wild chases, no crossbows or anything like that. We were pretty on edge. It will probably take a while for the habitual paranoia to subside. But the first steps are promising.
You probably gathered from our last post that our label meeting was not at all successful. The disappointment is moderate. Even if there had been interest from their side, we probably wouldn't have gone for it after that conversation. Ava herself was most furious about the guy. Now she is working on organizing a meeting with the other label that had contacted us. She eagerly assures us that there is also plenty of nice and reliable people in the industry, and that we shouldn't be too negative about it.
Oh, one more thing: we have a dialect playlist. You can listen to it here:
This was honestly a hard piece of work. Isn't it funny that musicians - as soon as they sing in dialect - almost always drift off into something coarse, rustic or home-kitschy. Why is there so little thoughtful, sensitive or fragile stuff? Interestingly, the most exciting dialect scene seems to be in Switzerland. There, at least, we found a lot of really good stuff. The north, on the other hand, is a bit weakly represented - but maybe that's just because we simply don't know many things here in the south. So if you still have some tips, drop us a line. We'll keep adding to the list whenever we find something exciting!